April 9, 2010

Spotted: It's fuckin' Antwoord!

Die Antwoord are going to be bigger and dirtier than Gaga my little fame monsters, once I educate you there will be no denying their 'Zef' power. They are your favourite band....you just don't know it yet. Personally i've experienced inner turmoil for weeks upon being exposed to Die Antwoord. Is it for real real? Or just for play play? My conclusion is that it is real...real fucking good and funny as shit and they are taking over the interwebs with their funky crunk junk.

Die Antwoord(Afrikaans for 'the Answer') IS the answer because DJ Hi-Tek owns a PC computer and makes next level beats, Ninja has serious gansta skill and Yo-Landi Vi$$er is just a stone cold fox.

Ninja says it best when he raps that he is 'too hot to handle, too cold to hold.' Man I gotta tap that ass. And steal his pants.

Yes you probz nearly projectile vomitted when you realised the little dude cruisin' about in this clip. He is a South African progeria survivor (one of the world's oldest survivors of progeria) and a prominent Cape Town artist named Leon Botha. And his work isn't too bad for a self taught artist. Check out his gansta shit at Leon Botha.

And remember don't ask for cock or you'll get what you ask for.

Here's some vintage shit up in this interweb page.

Still confused? Shakespeare is the poet for your mind and these cunts are modern day poets for your cock man. Hopefully this will enlighten you.

Watkin Tudor Jones or Ninja is a rapper, composer, protagonist, satirist. So that kills the dream a little bit. But Zef does actually exist and he explains that Die Antwoord is a way of "engaging my inner zef, which everybody has. It’s not a persona, it’s an extension of myself, an exaggerated version of myself." To learn more about Zef check out Wat Kyk Jy? the blog.

It's nice to finally be confronted by music rather than just dazzled by Hummers and Cristal flowing off random whores' tit$. You're intrigued but disgusted at the same time aren't you? Good...cause that's the point.

Download their album $O$(spelt correctly of course) immediately from the interwebs with some next level torrent technology. Listen to 'Rich Bitch' it's the song that I can relate to.

April 1, 2010

Spotted: Ricky Martin Sucking Cock

Ok so no shit right?! Latino dick-throb Ricky Martian finally came out. But I mean if photos like THIS (look up) have been circulumating for ages then why are we even shocked? I for one am not. So apparently he tweeted about being a "fortunate homosexual man" or some shit. Boo hoo. I think tweeting is defiantly on the bottom of the recommended ways to come out. Mummy and Daddy in Peurto Rico (or wherever) probs dnt have iPhones or interwebs to read that shit! So how do they know? Huh!? Whos telling Sinorita Martin that he son loves to pack fudge? That he loves to lick colon, that he loves to dance to GaGa all night long at The Peel and wake up with a glow stick up his arse.. oh wait that was at my friends birthday the other week. Anyway, you get the picture.

Who's next?.. and I'm not looking at you Ian Thorpe.
