September 7, 2009

Hitler Has AIDS.

It's official. Well according to a new German ad campaign, which for some reason has caused controversy. I personally think that sex with a Nazi wouldn't be that bad, I mean who doesn't love an aggressive blonde? Maybs not with Hitlers lame mo. But come on, the Germans so need this kind of thing to show that they aint heavy and that free speech still has some meaning in their sausagey society, right? Yeah you would think that.

Of course I first heard about this in my favorite hard news publication, mX. They seems to just think this was a big controversy and stated that they love a good controversy. Like in the Glam&Goss section where you get a wiff of a new celebrity snatch each train ride home. If anything, I think that mX had AIDS.

Now what;s with the lame chick pretending you semi enjoy this faux-rape experience? BP, I could do a better job of that blindfolded. There is also a video version of the ad but it keeps getting removed from YouTube, now thats what I call fascism. So you will have to source it yourself which may be difficult but its worth it to see H-dog get his dick wet like we've wanted to for so long.

Loves it, Later!

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