November 15, 2009

Melbourne Is: Culture

Sup homies and holes!

Who's the real vulture? Culture? Or the vulture? I'm not too sure about this conundrum, and either do Footsrcay based hip-hop group BANGS. And why would they, there too busy rolling in money and women, not to mention going on classy dates involving the movies and 2 for 1 Whoppers. They're the freshest new face on the Melbourne hip-hop scene. Hailing from Sudan (cultural) they intend on takin' gurlz to da moviez, being babez, and general just 'tude.

I love that Melbourne is so multicultural. I mean some days i'll walk into an asian store and find something at least half decent and smile to myself. We even have an entirely Asian run pretzel store in Melbourne Central station. And its really shit too.

But enough about Asia. Its Sudan's turn. These fresh of the boat hotties have even directed this amazing clip to their new hit song 'Take U To Da Movies'. Its kind of like Jay-Z meets Footscray Community Centre. I'm also feeling there deep cultural roots in this song too, making it even more cultural..They're almost celebrablack. Does this mean they carry celebraguns? Hell no, there aint enough faux five dollar notes in the blue screen backgrounds of they're clip to buy one round of ammo. Snap.

Im off to buy some XXL t-shirts and shutter shades bling from Hip Hop Master. If you also want this look visit them at 6A Paisley st Footscray. Shit yeah.

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