March 9, 2010

Fash Train: Stop 2.

I think i've finally found a fashion trend that Fash Hayley hasn't discovered yet. It's the re-emergence for the mighty bowl cut.......all the cool babez are doin' it.

It's so in. It's so now. It's so the future!

But then I realised it's also our past. How could I have been so naive? The bowl has been the preferred style for most elite celebrities at some point in their career. I highly doubt that success can be achieved without a good bowl.

Sometime even a braided bowl cut works.

Or the gay bowl.

And this is where it all began, on the 96 tram. Because we all know that the peepz that ride this line have the money to look good. Shaaaawty!

Welcome home sluts.


  1. I can never tell if you guys are teasing me or not, but either way I love your posts. Keep em coming xxx

  2. I love you taking candid photos of people in public, it's not creepy at all!
