Exhibit gAy: When we all saw Lady's Ga Gunt. Self explanatory.

Exhibit Beyonce: Watching Honey Bee feed that dirty Gatalian whore. I love watching feeders at work.

Exhibit Ceebs: Some serious headgear. The statement 'All you need is smokes and phone' has been taken to the next level. Pretty sure she got hardcore fingerbanged in that scene by the babe butch dyke. Tegan and Sara better watch out or GaGa is going to steal all their fan fans.

Exhibit Deez: More product placement than you can poke your hermie dick at. The best product placement was defs selling homosexuality. If there are any straight gurls left in the world after viewing this i'll be very surprised. Shit that babe on the right looks alot like my auntie.....bitch never bothered to tell me about this gig.

Exhibit Jaizzzzzz: Relief knowing that Jai from 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' hasn't died from AIDS yet.

I really wish that the batteries in my vibe didn't just die. Guess i'll just have to remember how to drive manual again. Sha-moan?
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