Hay! Melbourne has always been renounced as the city of tranzport. I mean we gots trams, Adelaide only got 1! Pssh. And of course we're all in immense joy over the newest, kewlest, most high tech, AZN technology money could buy.. or kinda buy and then have not work properly. Myki! Mykee is the new credit card style ticketing system that Melbs is investing in. More like My-not-ki. hoi hoi hoi. Anyway this is my first example of Melbourne being filled with half assed shit. Oh and the uniforms those Myki help people wear are simply disgrosting! Fluro pee-green and blue aint a good match.

My next example is this. If you know what this is and your a Melbournian you're already vomming out your gunt. I know I am. Another try-hard super-future-azn-city-or-just-London idea was a big ol' wheel. These babes were gonna build this big white thing, which they did and it operated for like 2 weeks before the dodge parts from Korea (im sorry guys your musics is amazing but not so much engineering) or was is Japan? either way, it failed epically. H-core. Ka-put!
So seriously guys.. get some motivation, or money or something! Im tired of not having useless peices of infrastructure already! Gimme the key and the wheel and some kind of medal for speeding up the process. screw that, I'm a hero!
Night Y'all.
I use generic Xanax for panic disorder and anxiety; 1 mg each night. This dosage is enough to get me through a normal day just fine. I take an extra fourth of a tablet during the day during stressful moments, such as when I am in a vehicle with someone else driving and I feel loss of control. A great side effect is I get 8 hours of sleep each night, although it makes me dream a lot. If I am under stress, sometimes the dreams are a litle intense, but coming from a family where ALL of us suffer from insomnia, this has been the perfect drug for me. I have been taking it for some time, and have always followed doctor's orders regarding its use.