The scale is measured in "snesites". The more snesites, the sexier the snes game is.
Exhibit A: ExMachina Design Adult Manga Part 1
½ Snesite

Exmachina had a promising start with a helpless innocent girl (the way we like it) being all tied up, literally. Unfortunately this was as far as the game got. Talk about premature, we’ll need to call Advanced Medical Institute they seem to have all the answers.
Exhibit Xu: Photo Album of Xu Ruo
25.5 Snesites
I’m not too certain about who Xu Ruo is but she must be a slut. Photo Album of Xu Ruo was faintly artistic but I can’t help but think that if the lighting was a little darker and models even younger this could be a Bill Henson photoshoot.

Ohhh what’s that up my butt? Sheeeet, I get enough of this shit from my clients, not you too wharf pole.

Left out in the wilderness without my clothes again. Whoops.

It’s cool this piece of wheat will block the wind.
Exhibit C: Sexy HK Game Girls
40 Snesites
These girls are sexy and from HK, not sure if they’re actually game girls. None of them are near a television or holding a game controller.

Um is this Whitney the Asian girl’s sister from Bring It On? Creepy. But she has spirit and probably a rash based on that pose. Be aggressive, B E aggressive, the motto of all good STI’s.

These guys are loving class over ass. There is so much bling going on in this mother f**cker.

Look Mum I found these under my bra! Pretty neat don’t you think?
Exhibit D: PornoManga
100 bajillion Snesites
Be prepared to laugh you face off and have it be melted in pure awe. This is all real, none of this photoshop s**t. I never thought I’d be shocked any more by Asian porn after seeing the Korean art house film ‘Lies’. These bitches are nasty and I award them top points for detail. Hence why I posted so many of the screen shots.

No messing about from the beginning…..actually this looks like a big mess she must have made SOME big daddy nut. I hope she’s hungry, cause this is probably the equivalent of a large triple quarter pounder with fries meal from MD’s.

I think this is bush, perhaps a merkin as it’s not attached and seems to have a remote control?

This poor bird is dealing with serious deforestation downstairs and also her wall of flesh is missing a lot of character. But at least this promotes the awareness of AIDS.

Yeeeehaaaaaa. In the wise words of Chuck Bass; this one, like a racehorse, will be ‘rode hard and put away wet’.

A very unorthodox method of playing piano, with your vagina flaps! Although I think I saw Chris Martin from Coldplay do this live in concert a little while back so it mustn’t be that rare a practice.
Porn Manga is our clear weiner!!!!! I feel so dirty now that I must shower…thoroughly.
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