We never thought the day would come that Jerry Springer would ever be surpassed in the trash department. Being sent to detention for mentioning Jerry Springer in Yr.7 sport almost doesn't seem worth it now in my opinion. You know you did the wrong thing Miss. Watt!! Your were jealous that at the age of 13 I was open to discussing explicit themes that are intended to challenge societies idea of appropriate civil conduct, without flinching. I'm sure you also would have flinched if a netball came galloping towards your head, because I never can recall you actually playing a sport. Erhmmmm excuse the malicious attack on educational professionals. I understand they have their place in society.
The reason why Maury Povich recieved this award over Jerry Springer is evident in the following clip. It explains itself clearly. And provides hours of entertainment when reinacting the whole 7:46 minute clip to anyone who'll listen. Which I have done...proudly. But it's cool.....coz I got it like that!!!!
Content really does make a show unforgettable. If that wasn't enough reason to award MP, hold your socks! We will now witness the blatant exploitation of people's fears. Now my fear is that I could end up on a show like this one day....or the fear that it is my dream.
But wait there's more: pickles, mustard, peaches, cotton balls etc. It's endless!!
5/5 Staircases.

Let's float and pop over 300 times!!
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