Konichiwa Bitches!
Our new segment is named 'Melbourne is', as we noticed that Melbourne has a beautiful, dirty, rich culture! This concept came to fruition while we were having sneaky drinks at Sister Bellas a few weeks back for Lou's homecoming after she was climbing mountains and shit in Indo. Bizarre concept for us to swallow as well, and we don't even eat toilet paper, like this babe we saw on Tyra Bank's addiction themed show. (Shout out to Eloise for helping to develop the concept with us.)
So here's our first post about the Melbs. We did envisage having Jen Hawkins or Livinia Nixon do a video intro for us however their publicists keep screening our phone calls....whatever we'll try Megan Gale she's classer anyway but still able to slum it ie. Andy Lee. She don't discriminate.
On Southbank, near the dodgy end of Crown, you'll find this conspicuous piece of 'arse', sorry I mean 'art'. Like us, you must think that they look like....a pair of arseholes! We've decided that the real tight one is Sam.......and i'm the loose one, for obvious reasons. Seriously at what point did anyone think this was appropriate or non-suggestive to say the least? Interestingly the sculptures are unlabeled by plaque or other inscriptions. They simply exist to confuse or for us to attempt to explain their function logically. And the 'end' that we concluded to was butt. Melbourne, we love your butt(s)!
xoxo x&h girl
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