August 10, 2009

In Too Deep: Twitter

Okay, so we're all obsessing over the lastest social networking craze these days. One minute its Adult Matchmaker, the next its Bebo, then it's back to Adult Matchmaker. But how about we just cut the shit. All we really want from these sites (besides cock shots) is our 15 minutes. Some fame, recognition and even praise for nothing else but being our lame selves. Twitter answered our prayers. All you need to do is write whatever garbage nonsensical pornographic things you want, and people wil totally worship your feet. Well thats how me and my explosive ego are handeling it anyways. So I thought 'In Too Deep' should rate some Twatters out there and give them rating, as we love to do here on X&H. So I think the scale should be called twatsicles. The more twatsicles one Tweeter gets the more we've enjoyed watching them Twat on our screens. Turning you on yet?

Exhibit A: /7pmprojectsucks
Fave tweet to date: "Will this be the week that the 7PM project gets the axe?? What will Charlie do when the job ends (no Nova fallback for him!)"

So I have no idea who started this but they have a point. The new hit Ten progam (sorry for this Ten as I love you..) sucks. But they, as tweeters equally suck. I mean check out the typos (like I can talk) in the tweet featured above. Im only giving them..

3.5 twatsicles. (the 3.5 is all due to Ruby Rose being uber hot and sometimes guest staring, all the points are hers-Whitney Port)

Exhibit B: /fashion_hayley
Fave tweet to date: "Just got asked in the elevator of my building if I was from Israel??? Strange."

So. Very own blog rival Fash-Hay (as we now call her) has started to tweet. Yes! Now I dont even need to check the blog regularly! This sassy fashy fashionista twats mainly about Project Runway Australia and genreal banter. But why did some guy in the lift ask her if she was from Israel? I dont get it. Maybe he was hitting on her. man theres too much going on in that single tweet, my head is sore already. Im gonna give a hefty..

15 twatsicles.

Fave tweet to date: "If you are holding on to past hurts and pains…LET IT GO!!!"

So Shaq gave in to the celbrity pressure to start a Tweeter account of his own, and as the title suggests.. its "THE REAAAL SHAQ" (said in my best possible shaqcent). He dishes out inspirational advice and basically just keeps it real. Also refer to /BarackObama and /tyrabanks for more blackspirational tweeters. As much as I want to give him a 69, im gonna give him a lil more as well, so its a..

78.6 twatsicles.

Exhibit D: /xanaxandheroin
Fave tweet to date: "I think Lady Gaga just offended me. I thought I was unoffendable. Sigh."

So.. was this whole 'In Too Deep' just a shameful ploy to get you to read our very own Tweeteter account? Nien! X&H's very own Whitney Port loves to shout out the occasional profanity on this very special Twat account. I recommened all follow it loyally and with pride. Except I think Whitney may be a tad obsessed with the whole idea, she hasnt eaten for weeks, or maybes shes just on that new extacy and Mcdonald's diet and I havent taken notice. Either way rugmunchers, this is one good twot. A totally un-biast..

101.1 twasticles.

Or is that a quality radio station? I dunno. Im getting sick of all these words. Thanks twitter, for slowly but shorelee ruin'n de ensh lang. btch. l8rz @theendofpost RT @mybutt

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