August 31, 2009

Spotted: She Wolf in disguise.

No it's just Shakira. You remember Whenever wherever we're meant to be together.....
Does everyone not feel like they just had sex with Shakira and it was the hottest love making they have ever experienced in their lives? The song actually sounds like it should be CSS featuring Shakira. The bass line is grade A porn that you can squeeze out of a tube! Not to mention the dick slappin' guitar and the booty droppin' drum beat.

However there are no way near enough galloping horses or shots of Shakira trapsing through mud on her hands and kness like in Whenever, Wherever but wait.....there is an asymmetrical leotard. God damn I need to commission someone to make me a leotard in the exact same fashion as Shakira's (minus the crouch....cause I just split that anyway).

Another thought....did anyone else ask why is that guy sleeping next her NOT ripping all of her clothes of by his teeth? Even I feel compelled to do horrible things to her vagina. Note to self I need a dancing cage. Aaaaaaaaooooooooo.

Oh yeah and there's even a lame parody video. There's always a lame parody video!

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