Like many before her, Beyonce's lil' sis has joined the strange hall of shame that we're calling the Fem Shaved Head Posse. They should actually form a band. But has this D-celeb even thought of the ramifications of her actions at all? Samuel Oak investigates.
Accessing http://twitter.com/solangeknowles was obviously the first step. But all I gathered from this is that shes actually ok. I mean her tweets are funny and shes a fan of Grizzly Bear and Japanese food, how could I judge her shit haircute based on her Tweeter page? I cant'!
So I stay away from this and read trashy blogs, much like this one, but ones with actual writers, or at least writer monkeys. Stylelist.com say
"It takes a lot of guts for a girl to get rid of her hair, and we salute Solange for her fearlessness"
And Gather.com did a HOT or NOT special on the fashion faux-pa, making it a touchy issue. Their sassy bi-racial writer wrote ..
"Some of you may be thinking, 'Big whoop. A celebrity got a haircut.' Actually, it means much more. There's a lot of pressure in our society for black women to keep their hair a certain way. Straight hair is what is beautiful. I'm biracial, so I have what is referred to as 'good hair'."
Wait a minute fool! How does Salonge (however the fuck you want to pronounce this) invoke pressure to black women everywhere. Shes not even famous. Or a real person. In fact we know for a fact that Salonge is actually a space creature / robot hybrid that Oprah contols to do her evil bidding. I also love in this article how the writer monkey refers to her own hair as "good hair", i mean come on, modest much? Also I'm sick to death of these crakers being all up in other people grill about racceee and colloouurr. Let that shit go, I mean as this bitch said: "I'm not racist, I can go into an Asian store and at least find something half decent" (mX, tuesday). Can't we all just get along.. in a sarcastic and judgemental and hateful fashion?
So long story short. For Solange, it was a close shave (he he). lets just hope she knows a good wigist.
Now get out of my sight, you disgust me.
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